Browse Help articles!

Apply Jobs to your sales for MYOB integrations


  • Automatically apply Jobs to track sales according to location, product, or category.

Apply Jobs to sales

Set up Jobs in MYOB to make them available for mapping.

Laura Tien April 13, 2023

Setting up surcharges for MYOB integrations


  • Set taxes as surcharge to sync them as sales or income instead of taxes.

Setting up surcharges

If you've created taxes in Square but they are intended to record surcharges (e.g. card or public holiday), you need to select the appropriate option to sync them as sales or income.

Laura Tien April 13, 2023

Map sales by product or category for Square integrations


  • You can break down your sales and map specific accounts to each product or category to get better insights into your business.

Break down sales invoice by product or category

The integration can split the sales into multiple line items summarising each product or category total. Before you start, create the income or revenue accounts (if you haven't already) that you wish to see in your reports. For example, you may want to create an account called Food Sales and another one for Beverage Sales.

Laura Tien April 12, 2023

Updating the tax types mapping


  • Map the taxes you've set up in your POS or eCommerce app to the tax types in your accounting app.

Update tax types mapping

If you've made any changes in your taxes in your POS or eCommerce app, updating your integration tax settings is necessary to prevent sync issues.

Laura Tien April 12, 2023

Updating the accounts mapping


  • Accounts and payment types mappings can be accessed by selecting Advanced setup.
  • Map sales, discounts, payments and other accounts.

Update accounts mapping

You can update the accounts mapping in your integration settings at any time. If an account was previously used for mapping and you edited or deleted it, it might cause the account to be unmapped from the integration. Updating your integration's accounts mapping is necessary to prevent sync issues.

Laura Tien April 12, 2023

Updating the bank accounts mapping for Square integrations


  • Mapping bank accounts to automatic and instant transfers.

Update bank accounts mapping

If you've updated your linked bank account in Square, ensure the same account reflects in your accounting app. For the integration to sync the Square payout transfer, you must map the updated bank account in the integration settings.

Laura Tien April 12, 2023

Order level refund for BigCommerce integrations


  • Order level refund is used when you wish to refund a custom value. When this refund option is used, any existing order tax will not be recalculated as per the support document in BigCommerce (reference: BigCommerce Help Center).

How it works

When refunding a custom value and the tax is not being recalculated, it also means that the appropriate tax rate for the refund will not be synced. BigCommerce will always report zero tax for this type of refund and that’s why our suggestion is to map it to a 0% or tax exempt tax rate.

Laura Tien March 21, 2023

Sales tax (Refunded line item) for BigCommerce integrations

This article is applicable for customers globally, except US regions.


  • There are orders processed in BigCommerce where the tax rate and amount is no longer available after a refund has been processed. The “Sales Tax (Refunded Line Item)” mapping is a fallback tax type that will be used when the tax information can no longer be retrieved.

How it works

When an order has been paid and closed, the order will contain the tax rate and tax amount information. However, when a refund is processed after the order has been closed, the data that we can retrieve will no longer show the tax information on the refund and order.

Laura Tien March 21, 2023

Show POS sales on GST report for MYOB integrations


  • MYOB integrations use the accrual basis of accounting.
  • Generate a GST report showing the GST from the sales on your POS system.

Data synced by the integration reflects on the accrual basis GST reporting. The integration pushes sales into an invoice with a zero total. Invoices with Closed status, are excluded from the cash accounting method.

Laura Tien March 21, 2023

Unable to redirect to MYOB sign in page


  • When you try to connect your MYOB account and are not redirected to the MYOB sign in page, you might need to sign out from your MYOB account on your browser and device first.

Sign out from your MYOB account

You can try the following steps to sign out:

Laura Tien March 21, 2023