Browse Author: Amaka Team articles!

Amaka releases new official Square + Xero integration, bringing the two fintech behemoths closer together

Square and Xero have released their official accounting integration and have chosen Amaka to oversee delivery of this key piece of infrastructure.

Amaka Team February 10, 2020

Amaka accounting integrations: Delivered by professional accountants

As we have entered the digital transformation era, new technologies are bound to improve business processes and boost productivity within organisations. The hospitality and retail industries are no different. In fact, keeping up with the latest tech trends and automating certain processes is essential, as these industries are extremely competitive. As a result, those who stop adapting can be quickly left behind.

Amaka Team December 02, 2019

How to survive Black Friday with a little help from your accountants

Black Friday used to be associated with traffic accidents and violence initiated by the large volume of shoppers. Nowadays, though, it rather means a “profitable Friday” to all retailers out there. With this introduction of Cyber Monday, e-commerce stores now have a valuable opportunity of a day solely dedicated to consumers prioritizing online purchases over store purchases.

Amaka Team November 12, 2019

Developing custom POS reports to support innovation: Amaka x Cobb & Co. Case study

Cobb & Co. is a New Zealand's original family restaurant. 10 years ago, the brand's look-and-feel was modernised and the operational systems were overhauled to become world-class and set people up for a career in hospitality. The digital transformation didn’t end there, though. Amaka helped to introduce custom POS reports.

Amaka Team October 31, 2019

How to unlock the power of POS data reports

Running a successful business isn't easy. It involves a lot of hard work, planning, strategic decision-making and more importantly, data analysis. Successful business owners know how crucial it is to find the right balance between focusing on day to day operations to collecting data and undertaking analysis. Your point-of-sale system is far more than just a glorified cash register and it should be looked at as a treasure chest that holds many secrets to achieving rapid business growth with POS reports.

Amaka Team August 19, 2019

The accountants and bookkeepers of the future: 5 essential traits to recognise them

Although various factors are changing the finance industry, the future of accountants and bookkeeppers is very bright. While some may think otherwise, technology is only improving work practices, making accountants and bookkeepers more efficient than ever. Through the adoption of technology, it doesn’t mean they are less important or less relevant; however, it does mean that they must adapt to the changing landscape and acquire new skills.

Amaka Team July 25, 2019

5 reasons why accountants and bookkeepers will always add the best value to your business

Did you know that around 80% of new businesses fail within the first 18 months? Poor financial management is one of the main problems for these businesses. Why? The answer might be surprising - 53% of small business owners don't have an accounting professional, and they attempt to manage their money themselves. Accountants can add value to your business in a variety of ways.

Amaka Team July 19, 2019

Square partners with Amaka to deliver THE official sales integration with MYOB

Amaka partners with Square to deliver the official integration with MYOB that will help customers to aggregate sales data from every corner of their business.

Amaka Team February 19, 2019

Revel + Xero integration: Key features

Here's how the Revel + Xero accounting integration by Amaka can benefit your business. POS systems are vital in the hospitality industry. Keeping track of sales is essential for maintaining a successful business. It’s a good idea to have all of this information and data in one place - it’s an even better idea to integrate your POS system with an accounting system. This keeps everything automated, quick, and easy to access.

Amaka Team January 19, 2019

The hospitality industry goes through huge shift. How to stay on top?

Adaptation is the key to success in the hospitality industry!

Amaka Team January 10, 2019