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Fitbiz orders best hour


  • Interpret the Fitbiz orders best hour view
  • Keep track of the hottest orders processing hour today

Available insights

  • Maximum volume of orders processed in 1 hour today
  • Hottest hour time slot (E.g. 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm)

Available filters

  • Day - Week - Month
  • Venue/Location

Insights drill down

Tap the view to enter the drill down view

Laura Tien August 18, 2021

Fitbiz weekday comparison


  • Interpret the Fitbiz weekday comparison view
  • Compare your weekday trends VS 4 weeks' average and keep track of your weekday performance

Available insights

  • Weekday sales revenue
  • Weekday 4 weeks' average comparison (E.g. Monday VS Previous 4 Mondays)
  • Weekday 4 weeks' average percentage comparison

Available filters

  • Day - Week - Month
  • Venue/Location
  • App sources

Insights drill down

Tap the view to enter the drill down view

Laura Tien August 18, 2021

Fitbiz orders


  • Interpret the Fitbiz orders views
  • The volume of orders that you processed today VS yesterday

Available insights

  • Volume of orders processed today VS yesterday

Available filters

  • Day - Week - Month
  • Venue/Location
  • App sources

Insights drill down

Tap the view to enter the drill down view

Laura Tien August 18, 2021

Fitbiz orders heatmap


  • Interpret the Fitbiz orders heatmap
  • Keep track of your daily orders processing trends by time of the day with a heatmap view
  • Darker shades represent times of day with a higher orders volume and lighter shades show when there were fewer orders processed

Available insights

  • Volume of orders by time of the day (Hourly)

Available filters

  • Day - Week - Month
  • Venue/Location
  • App sources

Insights drill down

Tap the view to enter the drill down view

Laura Tien August 18, 2021

Fitbiz revenues


  • Interpret the Fitbiz revenue view
  • Your total gross revenue today vs yesterday

Available insights

  • Sales revenue (Today)
  • Sales revenue (yesterday)

Available filters

  • Day - Week - Month
  • Venue/Location
  • App sources

Insights drill down

Tap the view to enter the drill down view

Laura Tien August 18, 2021

Fitbiz top products


  • Interpret the Fitbiz best selling products view.
  • Fitbiz will update in real time your top 5 best-selling products view. You will be able to keep track of your best-selling products across all your venues and compare trends against the previous trading day.

Available insights

  • Top 5 best-selling products
  • Products name
  • Product sales volume Today VS Yestrday
  • Product sales volume (Yesterday)

Available filters

  • Venue/Location

Laura Tien August 18, 2021

Fitbiz parts of day drill down


  • Interpret the Fitbiz parts of day drill down view.
  • Morning, afternoon, evening and night trade breakdown of your sales.

Available insights

  • Sales revenue Today VS Yesterday across morning, afternoon, evening and night:
    • 00:00AM - 06:00AM
    • 00:06AM - 12:00PM
    • 12:00PM - 06:00PM
    • 06:00PM - 12:00AM

Available filters

  • Venue/Location

Laura Tien August 18, 2021

Fitbiz heartbeat industry score


  • Interpret the Fitbiz heartbeat industry score

How it works

Your real-time industry benchmark score. This view will help you keep the finger on the pulse of your buisness' real time performance.

Laura Tien August 17, 2021

Fitbiz stretch goals


  • Interpret the Fitbiz stretch goals
  • Close your daily rings by focusing on the key drivers of your business
  • Check in to keep track of your progress in real time

Available insights

  • Sales revenue (Today)
  • Sales revenue (yesterday)

Available filters

  • Day - Week - Month
  • Venue/Location

Insights drill down

Tap the view to enter the drill down view

Laura Tien August 17, 2021

Fitbiz average transaction value


  • Interpret the Fitbiz average transaction value
  • Keep track of the average value of your revenue for each processed order

Available insights

  • Average sales transaction value

Available filters

  • Day - Week - Month
  • Venue/Location
  • App sources

Insights drill down

Tap the view to enter the drill down view

Laura Tien July 20, 2021