Terminologies for DocuSign + Xero integration


  • We’ve summarised the key terminologies that you will find throughout the setup wizard of our Docusign + Xero integration. This page seeks to guide you through the setup of an integration with full understanding of the documents captured by our integration and different configuration settings.


  • Document – refers to invoice, bill, quote, purchase order and expense claim within Xero
  • Invoice – related to sales; a document that charges a customer for goods or services a business has provided.
  • Bill – related to purchases; a document that charges a business for goods or services a supplier has provided.
  • Quote – related to sales; a document that outlines the cost of goods or services that a customer needs.
  • Purchase Order – related to purchases; a document that requests goods or services from a supplier.
  • Expense Claims – users within a Xero organisation can add receipts for their own personal spending to request for claims (or reimbursements).


  • Envelope – an envelope is a digital parcel that is used to send documents to recipients for execution via email through the DocuSign platform. Envelopes have various statuses (i.e. sent, delivered, completed, voided) and typically contain documents, recipient/s and registered fields that require input or signature to finalise a document.
  • Envelope Signer – the recipient and signer of a document. Our integration will allow the user to select a signer or signing group from Xero, DocuSign, or customise it by adding the name and email address of the relevant signer.
  • Signing Order – if your envelope has more than one recipient, you can choose to set a signing order. The signing order lets you control the order in which your recipients receive and sign your documents. Assign numbers from “1”, where “1” is the first receiver and signer and any succeeding number is the next receiver and signer.
  • DocuSign User – a person that has accepted an invite as a user to the DocuSign account. This can be found in the ‘Settings’ section of the platform.
  • DocuSign Signing Group – signing groups enable you to send an envelope to a predefined group of recipients and have any one member of the group sign your documents. When you send an envelope to a signing group, anyone in the group can open it and sign it with their own signature.
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