Authentication and system errors (401 and 403)


  • When authentication and system errors (401 and 403) may occur.
  • What access tokens are.
  • How to reconnect your app after receiving a 401 or 403 error.

Authentication errors

When using an Amaka integration, authentication errors may occur due to the following:

  • Invalid credentials
  • Revoked access to application
  • Uninstalled application
  • Disabled access to application
  • Authentication is no longer valid

What is an access token?

An access token is used in token-based authentication to allow an application to access an API. The application receives an access token after a user successfully authenticates and authorizes access then passes the access token as a credential when it calls the target API.

Access tokens act like a special key that an app gets to allow it certain permissions. This key lets the app use certain parts of a website or online service. The app then shows this key to the website or online service when it wants to perform certain actions such as when pulling data.

How to reconnect an app

There are two options for reconnecting an app after access has been revoked or you’ve changed credentials. You can choose whichever option is easier for you. Either will work.

Reconnect through your accounting software:

  1. Log into the accounting software.

  2. Go to account settings.

  3. Select the App Store or app settings.

  4. Find and select Amaka.

  5. Authorize the app to connect to your source provider.

  6. Follow the prompts to log in using your accounting package.

Reconnect through Amaka Dashboard:

  1. Sign in to the Amaka dashboard.

  2. Go to Connected Accounts.

  3. Click the ••• option next to your accounting software and click Revoke Access, and do the same for your e-commerce/POS account.

  4. Refresh the page and log back into the Amaka dashboard.

  5. Click New integration at the top right.

  6. Click Connect new account then choose the organization that you want to connect to and hit Allow permission.

  7. Follow the wizard and click Save + Continue to finish the setup.

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