How to sell on TikTok Shop as a BigCommerce seller

As a BigCommerce store owner, TikTok can be a crucial part of reaching potential customers and getting ahead of audiences. In this article, we go through how you can link your BigCommerce store with TikTok Shop so that you can sell directly on TikTok. Plus, we’ll go through how to manage your marketing, analytics and accounting.

Introduction to TikTok Shop for BigCommerce Sellers

TikTok Shop is an integrated e-commerce platform within the TikTok app that allows businesses to sell products directly to TikTok users. Users can discover and purchase products without leaving the app, creating a unique environment where customers can seamlessly transition from entertainment to shopping.

For BigCommerce sellers, TikTok Shop becomes a new way to connect with TikTok’s diverse user base. You can take advantage of in-feed video and live shopping, and showcase products in a dedicated shop tab on your profile. On top of this, TikTok Shop offers an in-built affiliate program to foster relationships with creators and TikTok Shop Ads.

How to connect BigCommerce and TikTok

Before you can start with TikTok Shop, BigCommerce sellers need to connect their store to TikTok with the TikTok For Business platform. Follow the steps for setting up TikTok For Business to get started. The platform will allow you to run ads, track events, and sync your BigCommerce product catalog to your TikTok profile.

After you finish setting up TikTok For Business, you may be eligible for TikTok Shop. Stores with a gross merchandise value over $3m per year can connect via Feedomonics. Other stores can look at CedCommerce and SKU IQ. For more information, you can schedule a call with TikTok to discuss connecting BigCommerce.

Optimizing product listings for TikTok audiences

To capitalize on TikTok For Business and TikTok Shop, it’s crucial to optimize your product listings for heightened visibility. To start, your titles and descriptions need to incorporate relevant keywords that can improve discoverability through search.

The next step is to provide as much detail as possible so that users can make an informed desicison without having to leave the page. For example, ensure you’re as detailed as possible with information on size, material, features, etc. Additionally, high-quality videos and photos, user reviews and incentive can help with engaging with TikTok audiences and building trust.

Utilizing TikTok’s creative tools and advertising

Now that you’ve optimized your product listings, you can take advantage of TikTok’s creative tools and advertising. First and foremost, you can create content to share organically. However, you can also create paid ads through TikTok Ads Manager. These allow you to specify the promotion type and define audience targeting.

There are a range of ad types you can take advantage of as a BigCommerce seller.

  • Promote: Boost organic videos to increase views.
  • Lead Gen Ads: Collect leads through forms. You can integrate this with certain CRMs.
  • Spark Ads: Native ad display featuring your own posts or ones made by other Creators with their approval.
  • Collection Ads: A combination of video ads, product cards, and a full-screen landing page. Allows customers to make purchases on the spot.
  • Dynamic Showcase Ads: Shows relevant products from your catalog. Ideal for larger catalogs and allows customers to make purchases on the spot.

Navigating the TikTok Seller Center

The TikTok Seller Center acts as your central command hub for all things TikTok Shop. From here, you can oversee orders, interact with customers and go through sales analytics to build business insights. Ensure you stay on top of the TikTok Seller Center to master product promotion, expanding reach and making a return on your investment.

Managing your accounting for BigCommerce

Last but definitely not least, managing your accounting and finances is crucial, especially now that you’re using multiple sales channels. Leveraging cloud-based accounting software allows you not only to store essential data but also grants access to a suite of tools and reports that facilitate efficient business accounting.

Fortunately, when you link BigCommerce directly to TikTok Shop, sales data from TikTok is synced back to BigCommerce. Then, you can sync data from BigCommerce to an accounting software through a dedicated integration to gain centralized access to all your financial information.

Amaka offers BigCommerce accounting integrations for Xero, QuickBooks Online and MYOB. You can sync all sales and payments transactions on a daily basis. The integration will fast-track the bank reconciliation process as well, saving you multiple hours every month. Start on a 100% free plan or a 7-day free trial of a premium plan. Book a Zoom call for a full walkthrough and to see what plan works for you.

Key takeaways on selling on TikTok with BigCommerce

The fusion of BigCommerce and TikTok Shop presents a powerful opportunity for sellers to expand their reach. By following the outlined steps, from initial setup to strategic optimization, businesses can leverage TikTok to create compelling product experiences. Finally, you can implement business automation tools such as accounting integrations to streamline your processes.