394 Connections

Impos + Xero integration

Integrate your Impos and Xero business accounts to automate your data entry.

  • Choose your format and sync your data as daily sales.
  • Automatically scheduled export.
  • Lightning-fast reconciliation.
No credit card required.
Impos integration with Xero Impos
Xero integration with Impos Xero

100% Precise automation

Trusted by thousands of business owners, professional accountants and bookkeepers globally

Based on 1,000+ reviews on
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Book a demo with one of our experts!

  • Get a guided tour
  • Let's do the setup together
  • 100% Free

What you can automate

Stop doing it manually! Embrace streamlined efficiency with accounting integrations that perfectly reconcile in your books.

Impos integration with Xero + Xero integration with Impos
Sales summarisation

Automatically sync each order into a summarised invoice daily.

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Impos integration with Xero + Xero integration with Impos
All transations

Sync multiple payment types, gift cards, tips and more from Impos.

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Impos integration with Xero + Xero integration with Impos
Detailed sync

Split sales into multiple revenue accounts by product or category.

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Impos integration with Xero + Xero integration with Impos
Multiple locations support

Sync sales data from multiple locations to a single or multiple Xero account files.

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